“I love deadlines. I love the whooshing noise they make as they go by.”
~ Douglas Adams
Enthusiastically underestimating increasingly huge fine art printing projects since 2017.
Grimoire Publishing:
Getting it done…eventually.
Don't Panic. . .
Don't Panic. . .
Don't Panic. . . Don't Panic. . .
Grimoire publishing is an independent publishing house in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Never once have we delivered a project on time, but we care deeply about the books that we produce, and want them to be perfect.
In-between our full-time jobs, our small family of editors, creators, writers, and misfits work to get the most beautiful, and lovingly crafted books on mythology and monsters into the hands of our patient, and truly wonderful backers who care about these tomes just as much as we do.
We are reliably behind schedule.
We are reliably behind schedule.
Magical Geographic
Vol. 1 “Aquatic Edition” is the project we are currently running behind on, our largest, and most epic book yet, with over 200 watercolor illustrations written and illustrated from the far corners of the globe.
Field Guide: Dragons
“A field Guide to: Dragons, Serpents, and Wyrms of the World” debuted on Kickstarter and raised over $70,000 in under 30 days.
Field Guide: Unicorns
Learning and expanding on the success of the Dragon Field Guide, “Unicorns, and Mythic Beasts of Hoof and Horn” launched from kickstarter with 666 backers worldwide.
The Multistabber Tarot
The multi-stabber tarot deck is a collaboration with WierdPunk Books, incorporating the art and vision of Mo Richard; thoughtfully finished by a community of artists following her unexpected passing in 2017.