From Instagram:
Illustrative Fantasy
Fantasy creatures are some of my favorite subjects, and bringing those mythic beasts into existence is what I do. Here’s a few of my favorite guardians I’ve created for others in the past.
Flowers and Nature
Flowers can be approached in a variety of styles, here is a selection of the numerous different ways they can be designed. There is an entire language of flowers from victorian times, as well as meanings both personal and mystical behind things that grow.
People and Places
A selection of portraiture, figures and landscapes in color or black and grey, both realistic and illustrative.
Dinosaurs, birds, butterflies, whales, frogs, and everything in-between.
There are many different ways to approach the watercolor technique.
Fine Line, Geometric, and smaller Tattoos
you can find a showcase of fine linework, pointilism, and geometric greywork here. Also included is a gallery of smaller works, and “walk in” tattoos. I love working on small pieces, and sharing my experience with first-timers and experienced collectors alike.